Case Study: Early-stage B2B SaaS Startup

Case Study

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Boosting Social Media Engagement: TSV with an Early-State B2B SaaS Startup


At TSV Analytics, our mission is to take the guesswork out of social media through data and analytics to enhance businesses' online presence. In our latest partnership, we collaborated with an early-stage B2B SaaS startup experiencing challenges with their social media engagement. 

The Challenge:

Our client, bogged down with all the tasks related to running an early stage startup, didn’t have the time or resources to develop an effective social media strategy, post content consistently across platforms and they struggled to create posts that resonated with their audience.  This led to low post volume and even lower engagement.

Our Solution:

TSV partnered with this organization to develop an actionable social media with the goal of boosting their overall reach. Armed with TSV’s insights and actionable data, the customer was able to create an effective social media strategy, aligning content with audience preferences and optimizing their post schedules. Providing data gave the customer the confidence to dive into social media without hesitation.


To truly gauge the power of TSV Analytics, we compared performance metrics over two 3-month periods: pre and post-implementation. Utilizing TSV’s insights, our client was able to refine their posting strategy, cater tailored content, and make data-driven decisions.


LinkedIn's Remarkable Evolution:
  • Unique impressions leaped by a noteworthy 171%
  • Clicks amplified by 159%
  • Comment interaction rose by 400%
  • Likes ascended by 125%
  • Share count improved by 60%
  • A jaw-dropping 1606% surge was observed in video views

Instagram's Impressive Turnaround:
  • Reach widened by 30%
  • Engagement jumped up by 39%
  • Likes showed a commendable rise of 93%

Website Traffic Growth:
  • Organic Social Traffic to website increased 19%
  • New Organic Social Users on Website increased 35%


When given data by TSV to create tailored content and optimize post scheduling the customer saw vast improvements in their online presence.  Not only has the customer improved their posting and reach but they have more confidence and clear direction with their social media strategy.  With insights from TSV, the timeline from content ideation to posting shortened greatly.

Call to Action (CTA):

Ready to be the next success story? Explore the dynamic capabilities of TSV Analytics and give your social media the uplift it deserves. For a deeper dive, connect with us here: If this success narrative inspired you, please share it with others on the same journey. Transform your digital narrative with TSV Analytics!

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